Absorb – Coir Logs

Stormwater & Silt Control / Absorb – Coir Logs

As part of our standing erosion control product range Absorb now offers Coir Logs.


  • Coir external netting and Coir fibre fill. This is a natural vegetable material
  • 100% biodegradable and free of weed seeds
  • Intended to filter rainwater run off and trap sediment
  • Long-life of 2-4 years in situ. Ultimately will be incorporated into the soil as the protected upstream area re-vegetate
  • Quick and easy to install 
  • Cost effective



  • Intended to act as a short and long term erosion control barrier. Can be used on waterway bank protection at the bank/ water interface, check dams, scour protection, re-vegetation projects, cross drain stabilisation, sheet erosion control.
  • Effective filter medium to retain silt 
  • No requirement to remove at end of project as the material becomes incorporated into the soil and ground cover
  • Held in place with the wooden stakes



Characteristics Dimensions
Length 1.5 or 3.0 meter 
Diameter 200 or 300 mm
Weight 12, 25 or 35 Kg

Coir Fibre filling – mattress grade

Coir yarn external netting to maintain dimensions and provide strength


2 or 3 wooden stakes

50 mm X 25 mm X 500 mm

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